Implant Nanodrugs for Ultra-Tech

GURPS Ultra-Tech presents cybernetic implants as meta-traits that bundle one or more advantages and disadvantages with appropriate enhancements and limitations, particularly Temporary Disadvantage (Electrical). The rules for creating ultra-tech drugs (p. B425) allow you to create drugs that grant advantages and disadvantages temporarily for the cost of a pill or injection.

Combine these two ideas, and you get drugs that create temporary cybernetic implants within a person's body. Most likely, this involves some kind of nanotechnology, and GURPS Bio-Tech gives us nanodrugs which work like conventional drugs but can do more and weirder things, so it's all kosher if you just look in enough books.

Here's a couple of implant nanodrugs to give you an idea what these things might look like.

Radio Pill (TL10)

This nanodrug constructs a temporary Implant Radio (Ultra-Tech, p. 211) inside the user’s skull over the course of about 30 minutes. The radio has a range of one mile. Security measures force eavesdroppers to win a Quick Contest of Electronics Operation (Comms) against your IQ to understand your transmissions. After the duration expires, the implant breaks down and is passed out of the user’s body.

Statistics: Implant Radio [7]; medium-term ([25-HT]/4 hours); HT-2 to resist; pill; $560 per dose. LC3.

Video Pill (TL10)

Like the Radio Pill, but this pill creates an Implant Video Comm (Ultra-Tech, p. 211). There may be some visual distortion as the nanodrug taps into the optic nerve. On a critical failure, the subject takes a -3 penalty to Vision rolls for the 30 minutes it takes to grow the implant.

Statistics: Implant Video Comm [9]; medium-term ([25-HT]/4 hours); HT-2 to resist; pill; $720 per dose. LC3.


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