Situation Aspect Cards for Fate on DriveThruCards

Keep Track of What Matters in Every Scene

The most interesting and dynamic scenes in any Fate system game feature situation aspects, features of the environment or the situation that provide advantages or deliver complications. The GM can introduce these elements by design or add them on the fly, and players can create them through character action. Most GMs end up carrying around index cards or sticky notes to keep track of all of these aspects.

With Situation Aspect Cards, you get 40 pre-generated aspects that can be applied to a variety of situations. These span four categories: environmental conditions, personal conditions, social conditions, and dangers. Each aspect card is double-sided, with check boxes to represent free invokes gained through the create an advantage action — one box on the front side if you succed, or two on the back if you succeed with style. You also get 4 blank cards to create your own situation aspects.

With the addition of clear plastic card sleeves (not included), you can easily write on the cards with wet-erase marker. Check the boxes as your players use free invokes, then wipe the card clean with a damp cloth or paper towel. If you don't have sleeves, use the same tokens you have representing fate points to mark the available invokes.

Drop your Situation Aspect Cards in your gaming bag along with your Fate dice and you're ready for Fate gaming wherever you go.

Available on DriveThruCards PoD in premium US Poker size cards or as a downloadable print-and-play PDF.


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